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Top Aquila companies by revenue

L'Aquila is a city in Southern Italy, the capital city of the Abruzzo region and capital of the Province of L'Aquila. This is the biggest, most mountainous and least populated province of the Abruzzo region, and the only one without sea access. It's an important technological hub surrounded by a thriving agricultural landscape studded with nature reserves and national parks. Tourism is a big draw too, with 13 of the region's villages – also called comunes – considered amongst Italy's most beautiful. The city, widely compared to Salzburg and Florence, is famous for its sugared almond sweets, called confetti, and its strong creative spirit.
Aquila is home to some fair-sized businesses. If you'd like to approach any of them, look no further. Check out our top 20 businesses in Aquila by revenue, including Tecnologica S.R.L, La Caffetteria S.R.L, Codi S.R.L and Basalthair - Societa A Responsabilita Limitata, all of which generated large revenues in 2017. You can search the list by name or any number of exciting filter options and get extensive insights into their credit scores, technologies, employees and more, including key employee contact data.

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